Kaparot at the Israel Chesed Center


Help support aniyim locally and in Israel while doing Kaparot!

$20 prepaid or $25 at the door (Thursday Erev Yom Kippur with Shechita $25/$36)

Please select date below and then submit payment (details below)

Profits will go to the Israel Chesed Center to help feed those in need locally and in Israel

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and Last Name *
Phone number  *
Email *
Number of Roosters (males) *
Number of Hens (females) *
Total Number of Chickens *
Total Price *
Select Date *
Please complete in order to reserve your Kaparot slot. Payment may be made by:
Credit Cardtinyurl.com/ICCkaparot
Zelle - 347-816-8045 (Meyer Hertz)
Venmo - @meyer-hertz
Kaparot will take place at 
1315 Peninsula Blvd, Hewlett
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