EOS Hackathon Survey / Pre-Signup Form
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Are you currently involved as an active contributor to any current EOS or EOSIO projects?
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If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please list any EOS / EOSIO projects that you're currently involved with and in what capacity? Otherwise, leave blank.
Are you interested in participating in an EOS hackathon? (Check all that apply)
Do you plan to form your own team or would you need help meeting potential teammates?
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When would you like to participate in an EOS hackathon? (Check all that apply)
Would you prefer a virtual or in-person hackathon?
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What would the ideal length be for a virtual hackathon?
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Should the hackathon be limited to native EOSIO or should it also include EOS EVM submissions to participate?
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Do you have any suggestions for potential challenges or themes?
What are your competencies? (Check all that apply)
What amount (in USD) do you suggest for the first place winner to receive?
How large (in USD) do you suggest the prize pool to be in total?
Other comments, suggestions, or feedback
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