Harry Potter Listening:
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Watch the Video and answer the Questions:
Watch from 0:15-2:55
1. What is the name of the special part of the zoo where snakes live? The ______________ House *
2. Harry's cousin says the snake is... *
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3. Harry asks the snake if he is from a country called ... *
4. This sign means, the snake was born in the zoo and never lived in nature. Harry said, he is like the snake because Harry.... *
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5. Harry's cousin says, "Mom. Dad. You won't believe... *
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6. Then, something MAGIC happens! What? *
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7. When the snake leaves, it says, "Thanks!" What does Harry say? *
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8. Right after that, something else magical happens! What? *
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9. Famously, where does Harry Potter live? *
10. Harry's Uncle says, "... *
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The Bad Boy Boy Band-
Meet Harry Plopper:
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