Glad to have you here. 

The purpose of these questions is to give me some insight about your coupledom, as we will explore high-level what your challenges are, and what you're looking to get out of coaching.  

Additionally, on the call,  you'll learn about my style and approach to couples work, and I can answer any questions you may have.  

We will discuss how we can best collaborate as a team to guarantee success based on what you shared, and it will provide space for us to feel how our energies match, before committing to work together.  

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Email *
Name *
Where are you based / currently living? *
What are three things you most want from our time together? What three things do you want to move through/ release/ transform within your relationship?
What are the biggest challenges in your relationship right now holding you back from fully thriving as a couple?
What is great about your relationship? What needs work? *
How would you define the sexual aspects within your relationship? What’s great, and what needs work?

What other modalities or practices have you interacted with to help you as a couple, reach your goals? And have you had coaching before?

How can I best empower you as a coupledom?
How would you like me to respond as your coach when you’re stuck or potentially blocking your success?

If either of you have undergone therapeutic treatment for any of the following: bi-polar/manic depression; post-traumatic stress; clinical depression; and/or suicide attempts, bring this up on our discovery call so we can determine together if coaching is a good fit for you at this time. 

[Note: I am not a doctor or licensed mental health care provider.] I understand that this is not a substitute or therapeutic treatment for mental health conditions. 

Please write “yes, I understand” below to confirm you understand:

Is there anything else that you would like to share with me to help me better understand the couple dynamics & your desires?
This is a deep and transformative coaching container specifically designed to deepen the levels of intimacy and passion you experience within your relationship.

*Are you ready & willing to invest financially in your coupledom right now?
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