Join the Choir!
Thank you for your interest in joining Momentum Choir. Momentum Choir is a professionally facilitated choir composed entirely of adults who live with a disability. We are giving a safe space for people to belong, where they know we believe in them, and where they can inspire others. 

We have three different choirs, Niagara Choir (in person), Hamilton Choir (in person) or our virtual choir Momentum Without Borders. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your name (Member's name) *
What is your email? (Member's Email Address) *
What is your phone number? *
What is your mailing address?
When is your birthday?
Who is your primary caregiver? *
What is the email for your primary caregiver?
What is the phone number of your primary caregiver? *
Do you agree to have emails sent to you?
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Which Choir do you want to register for? *
If you feel unwell the day of a practice or performance, please state by clicking "Yes" that you will stay home to minimize the potential to spread your sickness.  If you do arrive to practice or a performance unwell you may be asked to go home.  *
Please provide us any other information about yourself you would like us to know (I.e. health concerns)
Do you require technology (an IPad or other) to participate in the choir?
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If you need to add more contacts please list their name and email addresses here.  *
Thank you for registering for Momentum Choir!
We have received this form and will be in touch within a week to get greet you virtually. 
- Momentum Team
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