Alpha Phi Fresh Pecans Pre-order Form
THANK YOU for ordering! Please indicate how many of each and we will reserve them in your name. Fresh Premium Pecans can be delivered free to your house the first week of Dec, so please fill out home address at bottom if needed so we can arrange delivery to your home at your convenience. Alpha Phi alumnae members have option to pick them up at Holiday Brunch at Sandy's house on Dec 7th.
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Very Sorry, Poinsettias will not be available this year as our supplier was hit by severe weather from Hurricane Helene.
Enter qty Premium Plain Pecans, one pound bags ($12 per bag)
Enter qty Praline Coated Pecans, one pound resealable container ($12 each)
Enter qty Chocolate Coated Pecans, one pound resealable container ($12 each)
Enter qty Grand Marnier Chocolate Pecans, one pound container ($12 each)
if Alpha Phi member, will you be picking this up at chapter Holiday Brunch at Sandy's house on Dec 7th ?
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For home delivery, please add your home address below:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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