Ordinary Stories Submission Form - CONNECTION
Please provide us with your details if you would like to share a piece at Switchboard Presents: Ordinary Stories: CONNECTION for our event which will take place in Stoke Newington on Wednesday the 10th of May.

All questions are optional but please provide us with as much information as you can. We'll need your name and contact details if we need to get in touch with you.

We have included some monitoring questions as we hope to put on an event that showcases and reflects the wonderful diversity of the queer community and we are committed to championing the voices of those who are often underrepresented and overlooked in many queer spaces. If you are comfortable in doing so, please answer the questions to the best of your ability.

Once submitted, you'll be added to the list of readers at the event!

There will be a sign up sheet on the night - so there is still a chance to share at the event, even if you're not quite sure yet! 

Similarly, if you change your mind after signing up, not to worry. Come and speak to one of us on the night or contact us beforehand and we'll sort that out so you can just enjoy the event!

If you have any questions or need help with this form, please email justjewel@hotmail.co.uk
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Email address
Contact number
Do you identify as part of the LGBTQ+ umbrella?
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Medium of piece
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Can you give a brief idea of what your story is about
Can you tell us what the length of your story is roughly in minutes
Any other information/details you'd like to share
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