Yard Sign Pick Up Request Form
To limit the contact between individuals during supply & yard sign distribution, the campaign will be instituting contactless pick up. This system is meant to reduce exposure to other individuals and lower the risk of COVID-19 for yourself and others. Please note, you will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing at all times during pickup.

After you submit this form you will be contacted directly to confirm your pick up time and location, in accordance with open office hours and sign availability.

If you have any questions, please contact supplies@missionforarizona.com.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Please double check and confirm that you're email address below is typed correctly. Your confirmation will be sent to the email entered.
How many Biden/Harris signs are you picking up? *
How many Mark Kelly for Senate signs are you picking up? *
What day would you like to pick up your signs? *
Today (Monday, November 2) is the last day to pick up yard signs. Please keep an eye on your email for a confirmation of when you will be able to pick up your request.
What time would you like to pick up your order? *
Please choose the time frame that works best for you. You will be sent a confirmation with your time frame of choice. Please note that 2:00pm - 3:00pm every day is not an option, and that yard signs cannot be picked up before 12:00pm on Sunday. PLEASE NOTE THAT PEORIA WILL BE CLOSING EARLY AT 4:00PM THURSDAY OCT 22ND
Where would you like to pick up your signs? *
Once you choose your location, you will be directed to more information about the pick up location.
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