Pittsburgh Good Food Coalition; Purchasing Policies
Thank you for your interest in ensuring that publicly-funded meals prioritize the Good Food Purchasing Policy values of sustainability, nutrition, valued workforce, animal welfare, and local economies. We would like to get your thoughts about your interest in/ability to participate in this coalition-based work. Questions below!

Please e-mail sarah@pittsburghfoodpolicy.org if you have any questions!
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
What neighborhood/city do you live in or represent? Ie. 'East Liberty, Pittsburgh' or 'Wilkinsburg'* *
What type of organization do you represent (if any)? *
Which of the following best describes your desired involvement in this coalition? * *
Organization name (please write N/A if not associated with an organization): *
Organization website
Organization Twitter handle
Do you have authorization to sign your organization on to the coalition? *
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