We would like to get to know more about you and your family before we place a puppy into your home.  Our puppies are very important to us and we will always do our best to make a perfect match for each and every puppy.
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Name *
Full Name (First, Last)
Phone number *
Email Address *
Address *
Are there any known and serious allergy concerns for anyone living in your household? *
If there are allergy concerns, please describe those here. *
Have you ever owned a dog before? Please list all dogs you have owned and if you are a former dog owner, please be honest and explain what happened to your dog. (Examples: My dog died of old age, my dog had to be rehomed, etc. Please include all info. We like to know about any issues you had with your pets in the past so we can help prevent them in the future.) *
Are there any other household pets? Please list each pet and their age as well as their behavior type (mellow, active, dominant, etc.) *
Do you have a preferred color, gender or size? *
Size Preferences 
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What type of home do you have. Please select all that apply. * *
New puppies require a great deal of care and work. Who will be primarily responsible for your new dog? Are you ready for the reality of owning a new puppy? *
Please tell me a little bit about yourself and your family. (Any details you feel were missed while answering these questions) *
If we do not have one at the moment, would you be interested in our later litters? *
What is your ideal timeline on bringing home a puppy?
Where and Best time to reach you? *
How did you hear about Brooklyn Cockapoos? :) *
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