Tread Lightly Feedback Form and Survey
This is a public feedback form and your responses will be compiled and shared. You will be able to edit your responses after you submit them, but the survey is designed for one submission per person. Please do not fill out this form more than once. This feedback form seeks input from any climber who considers the Mt. Washington Valley region their home climbing area, regardless of where they live. For questions, please email
Please share your general feedback about the current Tread Lightly draft here. What did we get right? What changes would you like to see?
The following section seeks your input on a set of specific statements.
Cathedral and Whitehorse are priority areas for climbing preservation. Please exercise an extra level of care when approaching winter climbing opportunities at these cliffs. All of the climbing spots in this region are unique and important, but protection of these two iconic crags is of utmost importance to the community at large.
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Existing rock climbs need to be protected from rock damage. Crampons and ice tools should not be used on established rock routes unless there is enough ice to protect the rock from scratching, grinding, and other damage. Similarly, spectres, terriers, hammered hexentrics, and new pitons should also not be used on existing rock climbs.
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Preserve the character and integrity of the first ascent. This is a foundational ethic of New England climbing. The character of the first ascent has the right of way. Following this ethic, routes established as mixed climbs or dry-tool ascents are fair game for sharps on rock.
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Chipping, drilling, and other direct creation of climbing holds is unacceptable. New route development should reflect the character of that cliff. No direct creation of holds, drilling pockets, or addition of metal inserts is tolerated by the climbing community in the White Mountains. It is understood that cliffs with loose rock require some cleaning to produce safe routes.
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Should dry-tooling be an accepted practice in the Cathedral Cave?
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Is there anything else you would like to share with Friends of the Ledges and the Access Fund?
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Thank you for participating and sharing your views.
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