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DRAFT: Report a CaRCC Code of Conduct Violation
Please complete the below form to report a violation of the CaRCC Code of Conduct (CoC, currently at:
). Alternatively, you can email the CaRCC People Network coordinators (including track coordinators) via
Your submission will be kept confidential unless/until you and the review team agree on the extent of detail included in any follow-up communication with the violator and/or the community.
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* Indicates required question
Please describe the relevant event (name, date/time, location, etc.), to the best of your knowledge, during which you believe the CoC may have been violated.
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Please describe the context and nature of the violation, including what you know about the individual(s) whose behavior may have violated the CoC.
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Optional: If this was not a CaRCC-sponsored event, please describe the relationship of the event and/or CoC-violating individual(s) with the CaRCC community.
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Your First Name
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Your Last Name
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Your email address
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