[The Camp With No Name] REGISTRATION
2018  •  Nevada's Black Rock Desert  •  contact@thecampwithnoname.com
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Real First Name *
Real Surname *
Email address *
Cell/Mobile [incl. country code] *
Playa name (if you have one) *
Are you willing to pay the camp fee of $200?  You will not be a member of the camp until you pay the fee. *
Do you have a ticket? *
Do you have a vehicle pass? *
Are you bringing a vehicle? *
What footprint is your vehicle? *
Describe your vehicle *
What are you sleeping in? *
Do you need tent shade?  Each tent shade spot is 10' x 10'.  If your tent is larger than 10' x 10' we cannot offer you tent shade. *
If you are not in a tent or an RV/Minivan, what are you sleeping in?  What is the foot print size? *
Are you coming with a group? *
Describe your group.  Who are they (real names)?  What are your sleeping arrangements? *
When are you arriving? *
When are you leaving? *
Are you interested in Early Arrival / Work Passes?  This requires you to be in Reno on the Wednesday night before ... August 22nd. *
We may be able to provide you with a free ticket if you are willing to drive the truck.  This would mean being in Santa Cruz on Monday August 20th.  And staying until the camp is struck, and then driving back to Santa Cruz.  Probably on September 4th.  Are you interested? *
You are expected to stay to the end and strike the camp on Sunday (pre Temple Burn) and on Monday morning.  Do you agree?  If not, why not? *
Beyond your $200 fee, you are expected to bring a bunch of stuff, like firewood, Bloody Mary's, sodas in cans, money for ice, stuff to decorate the bar, cushions, etc etc.  Do you agree to this concept? *
Beyond your $200 fee, we will be asking for anonymous voluntary donations.   These donations will allow us to make the camp look fantastic!  Do you agree with this concept? *
Are you committed to keeping our kitchen clean and tidy? *
Are you willing to be flogged at Spice Jar's flogging station if you don't keep the kitchen clean? *
Are you committed passionately to "Leave No Trace"? *
Briefly describe yourself.  Your interests at Burning Man?  Your contribution to [TCWNN]? *
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