Interested in tutoring at Brown Memorial?
Thank you for your interest in helping students improve their reading and writing skills and develop a love of reading. Tutoring is held at Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1316 Park Ave, Baltimore, MD 21217. The space is accessible by elevator. All tutors will be provided training and resources.

Our tutoring sessions are offered Monday through Thursday, in the morning and in the afternoon. Please fill out your contact information and the Tutoring Program Director Karlin Scudder or Assistant Director Liam Luckett will be in touch with you soon.

All tutors must complete a background check each year, paid for by the program.
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Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Home address
For example: 1316 Park Ave, Baltimore, MD 21217
Tell us a bit about your interest in tutoring and / or any prior experience you have working with children or with reading programs. *
We have sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:00am - 11:30am and from 1pm - 2:15pm. Will you be recurrently available for at least one of these sessions? *
Do you have any questions about the Tutoring Program you'd like to have addressed before signing up as a tutor?
How did you hear about us?
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