WINTER: Spiritual Gifts

This is the main method to sign up for Lay Servant Training with the Mission Rivers District.  If you need assistance filling this out, please reach out to either Lynn or Lisa at    or Jenn Robinson-O'Brien  ( Participants should complete this form to register.

Payment can be submitted electronically or by mailing a check to Lay Servant Training, PO BOX 400, Montpelier, VA 23192. If you mail a check, please be sure to include your name and the class you are requesting. This class is an Advanced class, and fulfills requirements for Certified Laity, as well as those seeking Lay Speaker and CLM status.

This course offers a scriptural understanding of spiritual gifts as always given “for the common good.” By helping participants identify and link their gifts, abilities, and sense of calling, laity will learn the powerful connection between spiritual gifts and vocational discernment in the context of the mission of their local church.

 This is a required course in the lay speaker track of study.

The class Instructor will be:  Barbara Lewis
The class Moderator will be: Teri Harris
Book Requirement:  For the Common Good by Christine Harmon

Class Meeting dates:  3/3, 3/10, 3/17 and 3/24
Class meeting time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Price: 15.00

Please reach out to Jenn with any concerns.
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