Let's Talk About Circumcision                                      by Sya and Nabilah of Crit Talk
This 2-hour workshop led by Crit Talk explores issues, facts and the oft-unspoken thoughts and questions on autonomy and consent in female and male circumcision (adult and infant). Led by Sya and Nabilah of Crit Talk, the workshop contextualises circumcision in the SG Muslim community. Welcoming all participants who are keen to learn and openly discuss matters relating to circumcision, this workshop is suitable for both male and female participants and is held only on Zoom. Each participant is free to share as much or as little as they are comfortable with, and bring in as much or as little of Islam as is important to them. Limited space to ensure a safe and intimate environment for honest engagement with the topic.

About Crit Talk
Crit Talk is an open, critical and participative space for Muslims who are invested in the community, to talk about their unique experiences. Sya and Nabilah started Crit Talk in 2017 with five pilot workshops, each addressing a topic selected from a pool of suggested topics from participants of the sessions. Crit Talk is modelled after a Muslim discussion circle in Sri Lanka called the Colombo Circle. Building on that, they add gentle structure with the use of small group activities and moderation of discussion, which encourages critical thinking from participants.

Workshop fee: S$15
(Payment by PayNow or Bank Transfer details will be emailed to you)

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If you are able and willing, please share a question(s) you wish to explore during the discussion. Be as broad or as specific as you wish. This will help us frame our discussion during the workshop better.
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