ETM Partner School Interest Form
If you are interested in potentially partnering with Education Through Music, please tell us about your school!
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Email *
First Name *
First Name
Last Name *
Phone Number *
School DBN # and Name (e.g., 11X076 - The Bennington School) *
Borough *
Are you the principal? *
Principal's Name *
Principal's Email Address *
How did you hear about Education Through Music? *
Which grades does your school serve? *
How many students are enrolled at your school? *
How many classes are in each grade level at your school? *
How many bridge classes does your school have? *
How many periods are there in the school day? *
School Demographics *
Please provide summary demographic information about your school (e.g., Title I status, Economic Need Index, etc. These figures can be estimates.
If you are a middle school or high school, which schools do most of your students attend prior to enrolling in your school?
If you are an elementary school, which schools do most of your students attend after they graduate from your building?
Do you currently have one or more music teachers on staff? *
If yes, which classes/grades do they serve?
Do you have a music classroom or space for a music classroom? *
Do you currently have a band or orchestra? *
If yes, please describe how many participants there are, their grade levels, etc.
Are there any music enrichment opportunities currently available to students in your school? *
If yes, please describe them.
Your vision for your music program *
Please describe what you hope to accomplish in your school by partnering with Education Through Music.
When ETM partners with a school to implement, support and develop its music program, the instructional model requires that all students (K to 6th grade) participate in music class as a regular weekly special, a minimum of once per week for the full school year. (Note: Programming at the secondary level is structured around required State/City Learning Standards and involves a level of flexibility.) Is this a model that you can support? *
The ETM model requires that all classes on a particular grade level receive music class the same number of times per week to promote instructional consistency and grade-level pacing. (Note: ETM does not typically teach 3K.) Is this a model that you can support?
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The immediate priority of an ETM partnership is to build a high-quality music program that benefits all students and positively impacts school culture and the school community. The ultimate goal of of an ETM partnership is to make that program self-sustaining: The principal hires their ETM music teacher as school staff/DOE.  This hire is not expected until the performance and quality of the program meet the expectations of school leadership. This process may take one or more years, during which ETM helps support program costs through our fundraising work. Is this a model that you can support?
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Follow Up *
A member of ETM's program staff will contact you directly to arrange a visit to your school to meet with the principal. When is the principal available to meet?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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