Mentor Application Form
Mentoring can be defined as a developmental relationship in which a more experienced
person  provides  support  and guidance to  a  less  experienced  person. Mentoring goes
beyond the traditional teacher- student relationship - effective mentors serve as advisers,  coaches,  teachers,  sounding  boards,  cheerleaders,  and critics  all  rolled  into one.

Mentors give those with less experience an opportunity to improve their understanding of
practices, discuss problems, and analyze and learn from mistakes in an atmosphere that
is collaborative, constructive, and confidential.

FAWE Rwanda suggests that Mentors have at  least 3 (three) years of experience in the
field, however exceptions may be made by the Program Coordinator.

Applicants who are not currently mentors are encouraged to apply!!!!

For any question , please contact:

Email:  /
Phone: 0788423170 / 0788646442

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Applicant’s Name: *
Title / Occupation: *
Institution *
District of residence *
Telephone *
Email *
Preferred method of contact *
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