Newsletter Signup/Opt Out Form
Greetings! ConCotion publishes a small number of newsletters a year with updates about the next Convention, Game Days, and other related events. If you would like to receive these newsletter emails or be removed from this list, fill out the form below OR send email to with a message header of "Newsletter Signup" or "Newsletter Opt Out" and we'll adjust as needed.
This does NOT include the welcome email sent to pre-registered attendees for the convention a couple weeks before the convention; that email is only sent to those attendees.

This list is kept internal and we do NOT share this list with any outside groups for any reason.
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Are you wanting to signup or opt out of our newsletter? *
First Name
Last Name *
Email *
Any other additional questions or details we should know or can help with in regard to our newsletters?
Thank you for contacting us here at ConCoction!
We will add or remove you from our list as requested.
If you have signed up, you will receive the next round of newsletters that goes out.
If you have opted out, we will remove you from our list ASAP.
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