Enrolment Expression of Interest
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1. Details provided on this form will be stored on a confidential database within the Department of Education.

2. Completion of this form does not constitute a confirmed enrolment.

3. Enrolment details and processes will be emailed to families once the school has confirmed eligibility considering the information provided on our Website on the Student Enrolment page. Families who are deemed not eligible for enrolment will be notified via email.

4. Information provided in this form will support the school to make informed decisions and plan for staff recruitment, curriculum planning and many other operational factors.
Designated Neighbourhood Zone
The designated neighbourhood school is the school that is nearest to the student’s permanent residence.  All schools have a designated local neighbourhood zone and the Department of Education requires that schools allocate places to students permanently residing within that zone.  If you do not permanently reside within the school’s designated neighbourhood zone we are unable to accept your application for enrolment.

* Please use this link to determine zoning eligibility

Student Information
First Name *
Surname *
Date of Birth *
Current School/Kinder and Suburb *
Parent Information
First Name *
Surname *
Relationship to child: (Legal Guardian \ Foster Carer etc) *
Email Address *
Mobile Phone *
Residential Address (student must be residing at this address) *
Do you have students currently enrolled at Armstrong Creek School? *
Enrolment Information
Are you seeking to enrol through out Specialist Pathway Enrolment? *
What year level are you enrolling in? *
Intended Start Date *
International Students Visa Details: (if applicable)
International Students may require to enrol via the International Education Division.  Families will be advised if this process is required based on their Visa Sub Class number.
Visa Subclass number:
Date of Arrival into Australia:
Visa Expiry Date:
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