Marshall University - Filmmaking Internship Application
The internship is for juniors or seniors to gain experience working with industry professionals, to be exposed to, understand, and work toward real deadlines, practice professionalism, and start networking to find a career. The internship must be 60 hours/credit hour in duration and may be completed over multiple semesters.

It is recommended that students sign up for this course (A) after they have completed an approved internship application (and followed the hour documentation, below, and supervisor review, below), or (B) during the semester a student is completing an internship.

Students should have an internship lined up for the semester they are scheduling this course.

Once this application is complete, email Prof. Tijah Bumgarner to confirm is has been received: You will then register for ART 490.
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Name: *
Student ID #: *
Marshall University Email: *
Semester you are applying for? *
Company/Organization/Business where you will intern: *
Company/Organization/Business contact name: *
Company/Organization/Business address: *
Company/Organization/Business contact phone number: *
Company/Organization/Business contact phone email: *
Summary statement of internship job description: *
Describe the duties required by this position: *
Have you applied to or been accepted this opportunity?
Have you applied to or been accepted this opportunity?
Give the start date and end date of internship - along with schedule (if applicable) , pay rate (if applicable)
DOWNLOAD THIS FORM: Internship Tracking Form
Download this document to keep track of your Internship hours. You will upload this document to your Internship Google Drive folder once the semester begins. Did you download a copy of the form?
Have you emailed Tijah to confirm the application has been submitted? Have you applied to or been accepted this opportunity?
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