** Donation amount should include services, products, and monetary donations.
Crown Jewels: $500 or more
Maximum exposure on website, listed on every event’s day of marketing over the weekend, singly showcased on social medias as a crown jewel of the week leading up to Ox Cart Days.
Diamond: $400-499
Exposure on website, social medias and listed on every event’s day of marketing over the weekend.
Ruby: $300-399
Exposure on website, social medias and listed on every event’s day of marketing over the weekend.
Sapphire: $200-299
Listed on website, social medias and listed on every event’s day of marketing over the weekend.
Emerald: $100-199
Listed on website, social media and listed on three events’ day of marketing over the weekend.
Opal: Up to $99
Listed on website, social media and listed on a specific event’s day of marketing.