2025 Returning Recreation Department Employee Application
Complete the following form to declare your intention to return to the Spring Lake Recreation Department in the summer recreation program. In order to be considered with "preferred status" for hiring, this form must be submitted by March 1, 2025. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR FORMER RECREATION EMPLOYEE ONLY!
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
What is your BEST phone number for contact?  *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *
Preference of Group (no guarantees)
Do you have any planned vacations, summer sport camps or activities between  6/30 and 8/8 that would render you unable to work? List all, if none, indicate none.
 Recreation is a six week program, please do no apply if you are unable to fulfill the majority of the requirement.
If you answered "yes" or "not sure" to the question above, explain your situation:
What size t-shirt do you request? *
In the event of a work-related injury or other emergency, we need to have emergency contact info on file for you. List the name, address, and BEST phone number for your "Emergency Contact" *
In the space below, please digitally sign your name. By doing so, you are recognizing that you are submitting an application for employment as a summer employee with the Recreation Department of the Borough of Spring Lake. *
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