Traditional Thai Massage Beginning Application Process
I intake a lot of applicants and want to make sure your interest is in making this a career path even if it's to add to your current practice. Please take your time and fill out this form in as much detail as possible. This is your chance to tell me why you feel called to entering this course. 
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Email *
Photo taken while on a trip to Thailand.
Full Name
Phone Number to reach you. *
Which training are you applying to in 2024? *
Have you taken any trainings in Thai Massage before? If so please fully explain: when, where and what level? *
Have you received Thai Massage before? If you have not, please discontinue filling out this application. I'd like you to first experience this modality before considering offering it. 
If you have, wonderful! How many or how often? I'd like to hear about your experience(s)! No one word answers please!
Do you have a background in any other healing modalities? This can include therapy, yoga teacher, massage therapist, energy worker, etc
Please explain in detail how long you've been in practice and do you offer it full time?
Why are you interested in taking this comprehensive thai massage training?
I'd love to have a better understanding about your journey. Please explain in detail. No one word answers.
Because this is going to take up time and energy, is there anything that could get in the way of you being fully invested in this 8 day course?
Work, children, other schooling?
Each day is 9am-5pm except for the last day that runs from 9-12.
This course has a tuition course of $1450. Once your application is received and approved I will send you an email and you will then put in a $100 deposit.
If you would like to separate payments, I use paypal for that with a $50 fee but it allows you to make payments over time. Let me know if that's something that could assist you better financially below so I can set that up for you! Otherwise, Check or cash is preferred.
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