Nurturing Seeds to Grow Strong Families- Spring 2024 Virtual Parent Cafe Series Registration
Event Address: A Zoom Link will be sent to you after you register
Questions? Contact: Mary Mikus, 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Full Mailing Address (including street name & number, city, state and zip code) *
What County do you live in?  *
What is your Race? *
I am of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin, including Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto
Rican, or Cuban origin.  
How Old is Your Child Who Receives Early Intervention or Family Support/Home Visiting Services?
What Services Does Your Child/Family Receive?  *
If Other Above, Please Share More Information about the Services your Child/Family Receives here.
Please Check the Parent Cafes you would like to Attend. You are welcome to attend 1, 2 or all 3 of the Cafes! *
Do you require any accommodations (ADA or other) to participate in the Parent Cafes?  If so, please specify.  
If Yes above, please specify the accommodations that you require.
How did you hear about the Spring 2024 Virtual Parent Cafes?  *
Do you have any additional questions about the Parent Cafes? 
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