AISAP Cohort Leader Application
Cohort Leaders | Job Description

A mainstay of every AISAP Annual Institute has been the formation and support of small cohort groups that meet not only during the event, but throughout the year. We are looking for volunteer leaders to lead a cohort group based on your school and professional characteristics. Are you ready to help colleagues better understand their day-to-day, support their ambitions, and inspire them to be their best selves? No matter the miles between you, your group will gather several times throughout the Institute, checking in, circling back on experiences and sessions, and setting goals for yourself and the group for the year. Then, seasonal meetings take place throughout the year so you can provide guidance beyond the Institute's traditional goodbyes.

In-Person Commitments | Annual Institute
We will assign you a cohort group preceding the in-person event  
There will be dedicated time in the agenda for the group to meet during the Institute
Be a resource and leader for discussion.  We do not expect you to be an expert in everything, but rather assume a leadership role in working with your group to solve problems, share best practices and offer advice from personal experience.

Continued Conversation Commitments | Conference Calls, Emails and Online Community
Encourage and manage conversations through emails or the online community.
Provide advice and support
Share best practices and templates
Conduct a series of conference calls throughout the year to check-in
Communicate reminders and agenda details in advance of any calls.
Help AISAP identify potential education topics for future Annual Institutes, webinars or education opportunities in regional areas.

Benefits of a Cohort Leader
AISAP will offer a discounted registration fee at the Annual Institute.  
Networking, building industry relationships, and elevating one’s professional development skills.

If you have additional questions about the volunteer Cohort Leader role, please contact Debby Murphy at or 203-421-7051.

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