Pride Winnipeg 2025 Artist Application
Thank you for your interest in performing on the Pride Winnipeg Festival 2025! Live performances will be taking place on three stages on our festival grounds on May 31st and June 1st, 2025.  

We are seeking musicians, drag performers, comedians, dance groups, theatre companies, magicians, spoken word and so many more from the performance community (and beyond!) to be a part of this year's festivities. We want to showcase your talents on our Main Stage, Mamawi Stage and Children's Stage.

We live in an eclectic and diverse city and it's imperative that our festival reflects that, so we strongly encourage performers from all backgrounds and communities apply. If you've got a talent, bring it to our stages!

Submissions close on February 24th, 2025.
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First name, last name, and pronouns of applicant or main contact: *
Phone number of applicant or main contact:
Email address of applicant or main contact: *
Artist/ Act/ Group/ Band name: *
First names, last names, pronouns, and instruments of all persons performing with the above artist/ act/ group/ band: 
Performer's Current City of Residence
Which stage would you be interested performing at? Check all that apply
How would you describe your artistic practice?
Performer Bio (for use by Pride Winnipeg if selected to perform; max 250 words) *
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Please indicate if at least one of the performers in your act identifies as: 

2SLGBTQ+ (Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and more) If not, please speak to how your performance recognizes and celebrates queer communities. 

First Nations, Inuit, Métis or as having Indigenous heritage. 

French-speaking, and willing to be interviewed by Francophone media. 

A member of a racialized community (Black, Indigenous or Person of Colour).
Please select all that apply to you, or member(s) of your act.
For musicians: Are you able to play an acoustic set?
Is your act appropriate for all ages?
Sample (please provide a link to a sample of your work)
Link to website or social media page:
Does your act have any accessibility requirements that you would like to share with us?
Requested Pay/Compensation
If Pride Winnipeg is unable to meet your above request, would you be open to discussing compensation? *
Briefly explain why performing at Pride Winnipeg 2025 is important to you: *
Is there anything else that you would like us to know?
Thank you for submitting to Pride Winnipeg Festival 2025!
While we appreciate your interest and value all submissions, only those who are selected to participate in our programming will be contacted. All performers for the 2025 Pride Winnipeg Festival at The Forks will be contacted by April 15, 2025.

If filling out this form is a barrier to access for you, please email so that we may assist you in your application.
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