Wiki Workshop 2022 Registration Request Form
Welcome to the registration form for Wiki Workshop 2022.[1] We have put together an engaging schedule for this year's edition of the workshop. The workshop will be held virtually only. This allows us to offer you a free Wiki Workshop. :)

Please fill out the following form if you want to participate!

A note on data retention: A part of your responses to this registration form will be kept in perpetuity. Here is how we will use your data for this year's workshop and in the future years:

* We will use your email address to send you information about this year's workshop.

* In the future years, we will use your email address to notify you about the future Wiki Workshop events. You can opt out of this by letting us know via a question towards the end of this survey.

* We will use your first name, last name, and your intent for attending Wiki Workshop to make a decision about whether to approve your registration request. We have a limit of 300 people participating. The intention is including as many of you as we can in this year's workshop.

* We will delete the optional information you can provide about your native language and gender by 2022-06-21. We will keep aggregated statistics based on the responses you will provide to these questions to know, for example, what percentage of Wiki Workshop participants during this year were women.

* If you want the entirety of your registration data to be deleted from our records, please submit your request via

Please read our full privacy statement [2] prior to submitting your registration.

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First name *
Middle name
Last name *
Organization *
We will use your answer to get a sense of the diversity of the organizations who are interested in research on or about Wikimedia projects. If you do not belong to an organization, respond with NA or Not Available. If you are a Wikimedia volunteer editor or organizer, you can list the project that you contribute to the most. (For example, Korean Wikipedia, Wikidata, or Wiki Loves Monuments.)
Tell us why you want to participate in Wiki Workshop 2022. *
I am a ... *
Choose as many options as relevant. (To the staff of the Wikimedia Foundation: We intend to give higher priority to those who are not WMF staff members due to the 300 person limit of the in person event. Among the staff members we will prioritize requests that are more clearly connected with the research nature of this event. We appreciate your understanding.)
If you are early career (e.g., student or postdoc) or new to Wikimedia research, would you be interested in scheduling a conversation with a member of the Wikimedia Foundation research team? This meeting allows us to welcome you to the community, learn more about your research, and share our ongoing work and initiatives. If you indicate 'Yes' or 'Maybe', we will follow up with more information.
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Is this your first time participating in Wiki Workshop? *
What is your native language?
The answer to this question is optional. We will use your answer, if you choose to provide it, to get a better sense of the cultural diversity of the Wiki Workshop participants. Your answer to this question will not have impact on your registration.
Do you have any accessibility requests (e.g., closed captioning, translation)? We will do our best to meet accessibility requests and may follow up asking for additional information. Please note that your response will not impact your acceptance as a registrant. This question is intended to improve the accessibility and inclusion of the Workshop.
What is your gender?
The answer to this question is optional. We will use your answer, if you choose to provide it, to get a better sense of the gender diversity of the Wiki Workshop participants. Your answer to this question will not have impact on your registration.
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In what UTC time zone are you based? (You can find your timezone at
The answer to this question is optional. We will use your answer, if you choose to provide it, to get a better sense of the geographical diversity of the Wiki Workshop participants. Your answer to this question will not have impact on your registration.
Email *
If you do not want us to contact you about the future Wiki Workshop events (in 2023 or after) using the email you have provided in this registration form, please write "opt-out" in the text box below.
How did you hear about this registration form?
Choose as many as apply and help us learn where best we can reach our future potential audiences and you. : )
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