See Something, Say Something
Fill out this form if you are a La Entrada student who would like to anonymously report something unsafe. All students should feel safe at school, so we encourage you report unsafe behavior when you see it.  If you know that someone is doing something that they should not, you need to let us know so the issue can be addressed.  It is important for us to create a welcoming and safe environment.  We will take your feedback seriously, and expect that you are here to fill out this form because the situation is serious to you too.
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Date of incident *
Approximate time *
Which class did the incident occur in? *
Who was involved? *
Describe what happened.  How did it start?  What did you see or hear that was not appropriate? *
What was the outcome? *
Was an adult notified?  If so, who? *
What is your grade level? *
Please leave your full name if you would like a follow up about this (optional)
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