Seventh Grade Camp Enrollment Form (Fall 2024)
During the second week of school, Sept 9-13 2024, Mill Creek Middle School will be taking our 7th Grade class to YMCA Camp Storer in Napoleon, MI. During the week, students will participate in 14 outdoor education classes, will work on team building skills, and learn many life skills.

To begin our preparations and planning for your student, please fill out the information below by February 16, 2024. Thank you!

Also, please visit our camp website at ( to  find more information about camp, including cost, payment options, due dates, and volunteer opportunities.

Marianne Mutschler
734-424-4150 x5101

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Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Mailing Address *
Please put your HOME MAILING ADDRESS not your email.  Thanks!
City *
Zip Code *
Parent/Guardian Name(s) *
Phone Number *
Primary E-Mail *
Secondary E-Mail
Is there anything about your student we will need to know or consider while planning for camp?  If yes, please explain.  **Please do not request specific cabin placement or cabin groups.  These requests will happen the first week of school in 7th grade.
Would you like to meet regarding the information shared in the previous question?
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Please use this space for any additional comments, questions or concerns regarding 7th grade camp.  **Please do not request specific cabin placement or cabin groups.  These requests will happen the first week of school in 7th grade.
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