Semi-Pro Pickleball League Draft Registration
Thank you for your interest in the Semi-Pro Pickleball League. Please fill out this link to register for the draft. The $400 player fee must be paid prior to the draft in order to be eligible for the draft. If you are not drafted, your player fee will be refunded. If you are drafted, and you choose to decline the invitation, your player fee will not be refunded. If you choose to decline the invitation to play, you will forfeit your opportunity to play in this year's league.  If you have questions, please email:
If you elect to pay online, a $20 credit card processing fee will be charged. You can purchase your registration online here:
If you elect to pay in person via check, you can mail your check to 134 White Tail Drive, Sun Prairie WI 53590.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Region you are signing up for:
Email Address *
Phone Number
How will you be registering to play?  *
DUPR rating *
Shirt Size (Men's Sizes) *
Please share Personal Pickleball Accolades, include tournament accomplishments (for draft purposes)
Why are you most interested in joining the Semi-Pro Pickleball League? *
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