Application Form for the SUNY New Paltz Sustainability Faculty Fellows Program 2017-2018
Please answer the questions below in the space provided.  
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Name *
Department *
Title *
Email Address *
Describe your motivation and interest in becoming a Sustainability Faculty Fellow. *
Describe what you are hoping to gain from this experience and what you can contribute to this faculty learning community. *
Into how many courses do you currently infuse sustainability content?  Please list the courses briefly describe the sustainability content. *
In what course(s) do you plan to apply sustainability concepts and ideas?  List the course name and number, typical student enrollment, how regularly the course is offered, and any preliminary ideas you have for infusing sustainability. *
Do your preliminary ideas for sustainability infusion relate to any of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (  If so, please list the relevant SDGs. *
Is the course that you imagine developing as a Sustainability Faculty Fellow a GenEd course?  If so, which category? *
Are there any off-campus partners (e.g. - local gov't, utilities, NGOs, private sector) that you can imagine working with in developing student projects for your proposed course?  If so, please list them. *
Which topics within sustainability are the focus of your interest? *
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