2023 AP English Language Boot Camp Registration
This program will be held on 6/7/23 and 6/8/23, from 12:00-3:00 p.m.,  on the Chagrin Falls 7-12 Campus for all students enrolled in AP English Language at CFHS for fall 2023.   This Boot Camp is intended to help students maximize their potential for success in the course.  This course will be provided free of charge.  Ms. Bobbie Serensky will be the teacher of this course and will provide the Boot Camp.  
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What is your first and last name? *
What grade level will you enter in fall 2023? *
What is a phone number for which your parents/guardians may be reached while you are in class (in case of emergency)? *
What is your school email address? *
Describe any questions or topics you would like to have addressed through this Boot Camp to best-prepare you for the course:
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