Interest Form: Lyon Martin Board of Directors Summer 2023 Recruitment
“Help us take care of our community - this work makes a difference!” — Angela, Board President 

~~~~~Role description~~~~

Board members will attend one or two monthly meeting to discuss the governance and strategy of Lyon Martin Clinic. Meetings are on Zoom and run 1-2 hours in length. Members may also join committees aimed at advancing specific initiatives for Lyon Martin such as quality improvement, diversity/equity/inclusion, and fundraising. Typical to expect 1-4 hours of work per month. Sky’s the limit if you have additional time to share. 


Compensation: none

Reasonable reimbursement for costs of participation and/or accommodations. 

~~~~~Member Qualities ~~~~

A majority of the Board will reflect  the demographics of the patients served (Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC); a majority of the Board will identify as a sexual minority such as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,  Pansexual, Queer, Asexual, BDSM; and a majority of the Board must be of Trans, Non-Binary,  Gender Non-Conforming or Intersex (TGI) experience since this is the population being served.  People of the above demographics who also have disabilities or chronic illnesses, are formerly incarcerated, undocumented, unhoused, or are current or former sex workers may be prioritized...

At least 51% of Board members must be clients/patients of Lyon Martin. This is defined as having obtained health services from Lyon Martin in the past 24 months.
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Email *
First Name(s)
Last Name(s)
Telephone Number
What is the best way to contact you?
What days/times are you generally available for an interview? (Check all that apply)
8am -- 12pm
12pm -- 5pm
5pm -- 9pm
Are you a patient at Lyon Martin Clinic AND have you visited the clinic in the last 24 months?
Do you identify as BIPOC?
Do you identify as LGBTQ?
Do you identify as transgender, non-binary, gender nonconforming, and/or intersex?
Do any of the following identities/experiences apply to you now or at any point in your life? (Choose all that apply)
Do any of the following skills/experiences apply to you? (Choose all that apply)
Are you a current employee or subcontractor of the City and/or County of San Francisco?
What are your access needs? What accommodations  your ability to participate fully in the Board? *
Why are you interested in joining the Board of Directors for Lyon Martin?
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