School Lunch Service Cancellation Request: 2022-2023 School Year
You must complete this form if you do not want your child participating in the school lunch service for the 2022-2023 school year.

Please note----
- Cancelling your child's lunch service excludes them from participating in any way. This includes them being able to purchase beverages, food items, or lunch when they don't have one for whatever reason.

- If you have multiple children, this form needs to be completed for each child.

- It may take up to five business days to process your request.

- You must request lunch service cancellation every year. Requests from previous years do NOT automatically rollover.

- You are responsible for any purchases made prior to your child's removal from the service.

- Should you want your child to use the lunch service, it may take up to five business days to create a new student lunch  account.

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