Existing and Returning Family Registration Form
This form is to be used for children who are returning to the centre and already have a Sandbox Profile.  If your child does not have a sandbox profile (or you aren't sure), please use the registration link on our website (wvcp.ca - click register today). 

As of September 2022, WVCP switched to a full-year cycle, meaning that children stay enrolled until they withdraw - children will just freely transition to preschool from toddler when they age in and when space is avaialble.  This differs from previous years when all children ended at the end of June and restarted at the  beginning of September. Unfortunately, Children who withdraw from the program may be unable to get their spots back if we are at capacity. 

This form is for our Septembr 2023 transition, when most preschool children leave for Kindergrten and toddler children move to preschool. If you anticiate continueing on with WVCP for our Septmeber 2023 term, please indicate the program you are interested in ( T/T, M/W/F, Full Week) so that we can begin to gauge numbers.
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Email *
Gaurdian's Name  *
Child's Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Requested Program for September 2023  *
Requested Program Configuration *
Program Schedule *
Are you planning on attending WVCP in the summer? Please note that WVCP is now a year round program. Withdrawing from the summer will remove your child from their space for September 2023. However, we are working on a little summer sublease program for current families with siblings - more infromation to come soon. 
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