Have your say on the draft Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm 2025/26 to 2027/28
Harm from gambling is a significant public health issue for our communities, and for individuals, families and whānau. Every three years the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) sets out a proposed strategy to prevent and minimise the harm caused to people, whānau, and communities by gambling.
Public consultation is now open, you can have your say in two ways:
This is an opportunity to have your say about the draft Strategy (what we will achieve), the draft Service Plan (how we will achieve it) and the draft funding levels and levy rates (how it will be funded).Feedback from this consultation will help to develop the updated strategy submitted to the Gambling Commission. The Gambling Commission will undertake its own consultation and make recommendations to Government, and the new strategy and levy will take effect from 1 July 2025.
The Ministry is holding a series of public consultation meetings in selected centres and online. At these meetings you will have the opportunity to discuss the proposed strategy and learn how to make a written submission.
Disclaimer: To protect your privacy we do not require your name, just an email address so we can send you all the relevant information. This email address will be only be seen by the project team and will not be visible to any other participants.
By registering for one of these hui you give permission for your views to be shared in the consultation reporting. All content from participants will be anonymised in the reporting.