Maastricht Netball Club - Registration Pack
Dear New Maastricht Netball Club Member, We’re very happy and excited to have you join our club! We’re going to do our best to make the next part as short and sweet as possible, however it’s important that we share some information with you, in order to get the best experience out of the club. Please make sure to read through the information below, if anything is unclear, feel free to reach out to us. Happy to have you on board and we look forward to working together!
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Email *
Full name *
Date of birth *
Contact Number *
Emergency Contact Name and Number *
Do you have any injuries or illnesses we should know about? *
Option for lift sharing
Top 3 preferred playing positions. Listed highest preference, to lowest preference.
Do you want to commit to the Netball Netherlands League? 
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Do you understand that you need to attend AT LEAST two thirds of the Netball Netherlands League Games to be a part of the core squad?
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Do you understand that there are additional costs involved when participating in the Netball Netherlands League?
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Would you be interested in volunteering for the club?
I give permission for photographs to be taken of the training sessions and these being used for Advertising and Promotional purposes (Facebook, Instagram, Adverts, Website) *
I fully understand that by participating in the training sessions, matches and tournaments, there may be a risk of injury. I accept the above statement, I take full responsibility over my injuries and I play at my own risk. Any costs incurred for an injury will be for my own account and I will not hold Maastricht Netball Club or Netball Netherlands liable.
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Please note that your personal information will only be used by MNC and will not be shared with third parties.  Your email address will be used to inform you of the membership payment details.  
Membership is only active once payment has been received.
All Payments to be made to:
NL40 REVO 0755 0569 87
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