Ban Fireworks Nationally | 2nd motion | 1st Parliament Sitting 2019 | Petition closes 28 February 2019 | Your personal information will be handled with strict confidentiality of standard practice providing basic identification.| Please read, sign and share nationally. | Rescue Rehab SA Crew |
In September 2018, Yvette Huysamer contacted Mr Michael Bagraim in the National Assembly and asked if he would assist in having fireworks banned nationally. Parliament was currently seated and she had 3 days to prepare a submission. It turned out to be a 54 page document with letters of support from Ratepayer Associations, NPO's, PBO's, the NSPCA, Animal Welfare Organisations and two petitions from the public numbering 55000 signatures. It was about to be passed when the IFP advised we had not consulted the Hindu Community. Yvette was advised to do so and is currently preparing a second submission to be ready in February 2019.

Presently meetings have been scheduled with the Hindu Maha Sabha and consultations are being sought with the Chinese Consulate during Jan 2019. The call is to ban big bang fireworks. This includes pyrotechnic displays, flash bangs and crackers. A consultative process is being taken to ensure ALL have been included in time to go before Parliament.

The public's support in the form of petitions is an addition to the submission and includes the child labour involved in the manufacturing of fireworks, the environmental damage and toxicity upon detonation, the injuries caused to adults and children and the horrific injuries and trauma caused to animals (in some cases trauma being caused  deliberately), wildlife losses and avian injuries. Yvette is taking this ban forward to Parliament under Rescue Rehab South Africa as one of her many hats on behalf of all South Africans that support this initiative.

We look forward to still enjoy magnificent displays of creativity that are silent and digital. Information on updated status of this motion and general information will be shared with all directly via email you have provided and on all our Rescue Rehab SA business and social media platforms. Please share on all national platforms and within your circles, deadline being  February for 1st Parliament Sitting 2019.

Thank you for your support in the quest to have fireworks banned on a national basis. For more information, find us on Social Media Platforms via and we will keep you updated via Email as we progress with this matter. Your information will be handled with strict confidentiality of standard practice providing basic identification. | Rescue Rehab Crew | More information and history | Google Form embedded herein.
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