Ultra Mega Super Death Escape Room
You're stuck in quarantine. It's been literal weeks. You've done every activity possible - from binge-watching Tiger King to starting a sourdough culture...  you've even debated downloading TikTok. You're going insane.

It's time to buy a Nintendo Switch and play Animal Crossing. You look online and there are NO SWITCHES AVAILABLE. Luckily, your friend knows an inside person who's friend's friend knows someone important at Nintendo and has a promo word that can get you access to a secret stash.

In order to retrieve the promo word, you must complete a set of challenges created by the company. Good luck!

- no googling
- no calculators but paper and pencil are allowed (recommended)
- 1 hint allowed total (choose wisely)
- gifs are not clues
- can be done solo or in teams (if in teams elect a team captain)
- use a stopwatch timer on your phone
- we recommend teams of up to 4 people
- if you have more people, form multiple teams and race each other head-to-head!
- recommended for ages 13+ for math concepts and world geography

If you really truly absolutely give up (like it's been 3+ hours) here's our solutions guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ouS2TAU07ok5TQMddfeO6iYR4EB0IHxpIUcwEOE0zsg/edit?usp=sharing
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