Idol*USA 2024!
Application Closes 8/22/2024

Thanks for your interest in Idol*USA! We're thrilled to bring back this showcase for 2024, and allow all of our dedicated Idol groups to bring their energy to our attendees! Here are all the basics:

- Anime USA has decided to place the event on the Friday evening of the show, as the main event for that night. As such, the rehearsal will be held on Friday afternoon at approximately 5PM. Please keep this in mind before applying. The time is subject to change, but will not start any earlier than 5.

- We will be able to accept a maximum of 10 groups for this year, since we will be committing a 3 hour block to the event, and we want to make sure to leave enough time for each group to set themselves up on stage.   Any additional groups that apply will be wait-listed.  There is no guarantee that you will be performing if you are wait-listed.  Please be aware that participation in prior events does not guarantee acceptance.

- Each group can have a maximum of 9 participants.

- Each group will have a maximum of 15 minutes of stage time, which includes any setup or breakdown of props and accessories you may have. You are free to fill this time entirely with music and dancing, or throw in some fun interactions with our audience to keep the energy high.

- We will be strongly discouraging duplicate songs for the event. Acceptance of set-lists will be done on a first-come, first-served basis (based on application date); so please, get your application and set list in as early as you can. A group with a duplicate song to an earlier group will be notified at the time of their acceptance into Idol*USA, and asked to supply a replacement song. If you do not have your full setlist now, you can still apply, but we will require it no later than 8/1/24.

- All songs must be in MP3 format, and each song must be in a separate file. We will require your music at least 3 weeks prior to the show - failure to submit your music on time will result in your group forfeiting their slot.

- Your entire group will be expected to appear at the rehearsal on the morning of the event to go over lighting cues, and rehearse one song to get comfortable with the stage. Details on the day and time of the event will be sent out before the convention weekend.

- At least one member of your group must show up to check-in, otherwise your slot will be forfeited to a wait-listed group. Check-in location and time(s) will be sent out prior to the show.

If you have any questions about the event this year, please feel free to e-mail the Idol Showcase Coordinator at
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Name of Group:: *
Name & Age of Group Leader:: *
Leader's Contact E-mail Address:: *
Leader's Contact Phone Number:: *
Please leave the best contact phone number - this will be used for emergency purposes only.
Additional Group Members & Ages::
Please list any additional group members and their ages.  Thank you!
Performance Set List:: *
Let us know which songs you're going to use.  We want to limit the amount of doubles we may encounter.
Tech Information::
Any information that we need to know for tech setup. All audio must be received prior to the show only, please do not bring audio with you to rehearsal, or expect us to be able to add cues or cuts to your audio. Please let us know what you're thinking of for lighting, the more information we have the better we can convey it to our tech vendor.
Special Needs::
Does your group have large props? Any large costumes? Please let us know in advance.
Have you read the rules? *
I/We agree to the rules for Anime USA 2024's Idol Showcase, and agree to abide by them. Further I/We agree to permit photography and/or audio & video recording and permit use of photos and/or recordings for non-commercial purposes. Also I/We do agree to hold Anime USA, its organizers, and the facility both severally and individually blameless for any accident and/or injury suffered by me/us during the course of the event except in cases of gross negligence on the part of those cited above.
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