2025 Entertainment Application
Please fill out the information below to be considered as an entertainer at Volume 1 of Once Upon a Con, happening August 14th - 17th, 2025. We're looking for singers, comedians, actors, and performers of all varieties to Fall into Fantasy with us!

Applications will close February 1st, 2025, at 11:59 PM EST. Submissions sent in after the deadline will be placed on a waitlist and may be considered for Volume 2, happening August of 2026. Each performer and co-performer(s) will receive a General Admission pass to the event.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to info@onceuponaconvention.com!
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Primary Performer's Full Legal Name *
Primary Performer's Preferred Name *
Primary Performer's Email *
How many total performers are in your group (including primary performer above)? *
Additional Performers' Information (Names & Emails)
Entertainment Category *
Tell us more about your performance! *
Estimated Performance Time *
Performance Rating *
Website *
Social Media Handles *
Links to Past Performances *
What do you typically charge for your performance? *
Do you have an online tip jar you would utilize during your performance at Once Upon a Con? *
Will you require a dressing room/changing area?
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Would you approve the use of your performance on our Social Media? *
Do you have any specific tech or A/V needs?
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If yes, please let us know what you may need below!
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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