Cartridge World Printer Questionnaire
Answer the following questions so we can find you the RIGHT printer for your needs!
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1)  Are you looking to replace or add a new printer? *
If replacing, what is the old printer brand & model?
2) How many people will us the printer? *
3)  How many reams of paper do you use per month? (1 ream = 500 sheets) *
4)  What type of printing output do you need? *
5)  What functions do you need? (check all that apply) *
6)  Do you require to print on the following media types? (check all that apply)
7)  What operating system will the connected computer(s) be running? (check all that apply)
8)  If you have any other printers, copiers, or fax machines around the office, please list them here(for potential supplies consolidation):
9)  Would you be interested in (check all that apply):
10) Do you currently have an IT person or provider? If so, please list their name and contact info below: *
11)  Please provide any additional information or needs that you see fit.
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