Application for Sunnyside CommunityShare Fellowship
Thank you for your interest in the 2024-2025 Sunnyside CommunityShare Fellowship. We will review your application and contact you if we have any additional questions. If you have any questions contact us at or  . Applications are due by September 2, 2024.
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Email *
First & Last Name *
Phone *
Preferred Form of Communication (check all that apply) *
Meeting Dates: meetings are an essential element of the fellowship. Here are the projected meetings dates for the fellowship, which of these meeting dates are you available? *
School Name *
What is Your Polo shirt size? (Please Specify for Men's or Women's with your size) *
Grade level(s) You Teach *
Subjects You Teach *
Your Ethnic & Racial Background *
Which Sunnyside CommunityShare Fellowship year will you be in? *
Teacher as Learner: An important premise of CommunityShare (CS) is that when teachers have opportunities to be learners, they become stronger teachers. What are some ways that you support your own growth and development as a learner? *
Student Voice:  We believe student voice fosters agency and engagement.  What experiences have you had with student voice, either as a teacher or as a student yourself? How do you try to facilitate this in your classroom? *
Real-World Relevance: We believe that students are most engaged when they work on real-world issues and projects relevant to their lives, future aspirations and community. What, if any, experience do you have with real-world, project-based learning? What learning goals might you have for yourself when it comes to implementing real world/project-based experiences in your classroom? *
Structured Reflection and Collaborative Inquiry: At the heart of the CS Fellowship are structured reflection and shared inquiry.  What do you see as the value of reflection in learning? What do you most appreciate when you are provided the time and space to ask questions and reflect with other teachers? *
Engaging Community: We believe that our communities are only as strong as the relationships we build. Students need access to relationships and opportunities beyond the school walls. What, if any, experiences do you have engaging community in your classroom or will this be new for you? What is the value of building authentic relationships between your students and community partners? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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