IPP Plant Paddle Workshop Registration
Once your registration is processed, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing directions to the workshop and information regarding provisions you may need to bring.
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Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Please call us at 207-783-7733 to register if you do not have email
Have you been fully vaccinated for COVID-19? *
Lake association or larger regional lake group
Which workshop would you like to attend? *
If you are attending more than one workshop, please fill out the form for each individual workshop. * Indicates the workshop will be followed by an OPTIONAL additional hour for Courtesy Boat Inspection training
Are you interested in doing regular patrols to look for invasive species? *
Please tell us about any special conditions or accessibility issues we might need to be aware of.
A boat is required to participate in this workshop. Please select from the options below to indicate your boat status *
If you are only attending the CBI portion of the workshop you will not need a boat. Please select 'I will not have a boat'.
If you are bringing a boat and have room available, please let us know how many extra people you'll be able to accomodate.
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