Register your interest to join the DSGBA vCoP

Domestic, sexual and gender-based abuse (DSGBA) is a major societal challenge, gaps in knowledge and interagency collaboration impact the response to DSGBA at all levels. There are different types of knowledge needed to close these gaps: experiential, policy, academic, professional and front-line practitioners’ knowledge. 

Working collaboratively is the best way to end domestic, sexual and gender-based abuse. To support this vision, Haven Horizons and Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) are developing a virtual Community of Practice (vCoP) which will promote the sharing and transfer of knowledge across the sector. A PhD student, Claudine Donnellan will be facilitating the establishment of the community. 

Our vCoP provides a safe environment which brings together stakeholders who share a common goal of ending DSGBA.

Why should you join?
  • Gain access to knowledge, resources and tools
  • Participate in virtual events 
  • Share experiential knowledge 
  • Network and collaborate with your peers through discussion forums
  • Collaborate on developing resources  
  • Participate in the transfer of knowledge and resources from research to practice and policy 
How do you register your interest?
  • Fill in the form below and click the submit button. 
  • We will contact you when the vCoP is live. 

We look forward to collaborating with you.
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