School Bus Stop Request Form
Please utilize the School Bus Lookup Tool on the CCSD Transportation page to determine the closest stop to your home address. If you do not have a stop within .3 of a mile for traditional education or within 5 miles for partial/county magnet schools, complete this request. Only complete this request if you do not have a stop within the these guidelines.
Please do not complete this form to find your bus stop, requests will not be responded to. You will need to utilize the School Bus Lookup Tool to locate your bus stop.
Your physical home address must be updated in PowerSchool. The request will not be reviewed until your address is updated in PowerSchool.
Students should be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time.
Parents/Guardians of special education students must contact your school to request a stop change.
Parent/Guardians Bus Stop Responsibility
Parents or guardians are responsible for the safety, conduct, and the timely arrival of their children to, from and at the designated school bus stop before and after the arrival of the school bus for pick up and transport to school and the timely departure of the child after the school bus leaves the designated school bus stop after transporting the children from school. For purposes of this section, the phrase "arrival of the school bus" includes the time that the school bus assigned to the school bus stop activates the required pedestrian safety devices, stops, and loads or unloads students until the school bus deactivates all pedestrian safety devices. (SC CODE OF LAWS - SECTION 59-67-415)