As a child or young person under 18 years, I have the right to:
  • be safe and protected
  • be listened to
  • be respected and treated fairly
  • be believed
  • ask for help
  • be coached by someone who has the right qualifications.
As a young athlete, I will respect the code of conduct and I will:
  • be friendly and supportive to other athletes
  • keep myself safe
  • tell my coach if I am ill or injured
  • report inappropriate behaviour or risky situations to an adult
  • compete fairly and respect other athletes and officials
  • respect the rules of my club
  • behave and listen to all instructions from my coach and officials
  • take care of equipment owned or provided by the club or training facility
  • not use bad language or take part in inappropriate or illegal behaviour
  • not bully anyone or pressure them to do things they do not want to, including online
  • in no way undermine, put down or belittle other athletes, coaches or practitioners
  • keep to agreed timings for all club activities
  • tell my parents/carers where I am or if I’m going to be late
  • not use my mobile phone during training, competitions or in changing rooms
  • not carry or consume alcohol or illegal substances while training or competing in athletics
  • use safe transport or travel arrangements.

I understand that if I do not follow the code, action can be taken by my club and I may:
  • be asked to apologise for my behaviour
  • receive a verbal warning from my coach
  • receive a verbal or written warning from the club committee
  • be suspended from attending club training sessions
  • be suspended or required to leave the club.
Additionally, my club will always tell my parents/carers if I breach the code of conduct.

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