Randolph Attendance Form
Please Note:  All fields marked with a red Asterisk are required fields.

To be completed by parent/legal guardian only.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Grade *
Teacher Last Name
Your name *
In this box, please type your first and last name.
Acknowledgement *
Please check yes below to acknowledge the following statement: "By checking the signature box, I certify that I am the legal guardian of this child and all of the information provided to Livonia Public Schools School District is accurate"
Reason for Absence *
Please select the reason for your child's absence from the list below.
Is the reason for absence due to a communicable disease? *
If not, select "No."  Otherwise, please select the disease your child has been diagnosed with.  This question is required to comply with county standards.
Date of Absence *
If absence is multiple dates, please select the first absence date.
Multiple Day Absence Ends
If absence is multiple dates, please select the last absence date.
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