HoyaHacks Registration '25 (college)
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First name: *
Last name: *
Age: *
Phone number (please include area code!): *
Email: *
College: *
Major: *
Level of study: *
Country of Residence: *
"We are currently in the process of partnering with MLH. The following 3 checkboxes are for this partnership. If we do not end up partnering with MLH, your information will not be shared" 
 "I have read and agree to the MLH Code of Conduct."(https://static.mlh.io/docs/mlh-code-of-conduct.pdf)
“I authorize you to share my application/registration information with Major League Hacking for event administration, ranking, and MLH administration in-line with the MLH Privacy Policy (https://mlh.io/privacy). I further agree to the terms of both the MLH Contest Terms and Conditions (https://github.com/MLH/mlh-policies/blob/main/contest-terms.md)and the MLH Privacy Policy (https://mlh.io/privacy).”
“I authorize MLH to send me occasional emails about relevant events, career opportunities, and community announcements."
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Dietary Restrictions
Do you identify as part of an underrepresented group in the technology industry?
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T-shirt size: *
I understand that I will need to attend the Hackathon in-person *
I have joined the Discord 
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